2. You're not Aaron Warner

Natasha's POV

Sunday morning I wore my uniform and rushed to my cafe, I had to work as a waitress in a small cafe.

I was late today, I just hope Mr. Mehra won't shout at me.

As I reached there I pushed open the door and entered, but gladly I wasn't too late to be scolded with a sigh I started my day in the cafe working and serving customers.

I noticed a man sitting on an empty table in the far corner of the cafe, He wasn't ordering anything nor someone was there to talk to him.

He was just sitting there silently looking around or sometimes using his phone.

The evening started approaching but he still didn't get up so I decided to ask if he needed anything.

"Excuse me, sir may I help you?" I asked politely, The man was wearing a black suit and a white shirt underneath with a black tie, very professional.

He shook his head at my question, his hand covering his face.

"You...want to order something?" He shook his head again.

I didn't want to disturb him so I thought of leaving him alone.

"Alright sir, if you need anything please don't hesitate to call anyone for help" He nodded and I left there not wanting to annoy him.

Can't he speak? I mean...he only nodded and shook his head every time I asked him something.


The day finally came to an end and I started packing my stuff, The man looked at me and our eyes met.

It was surprising he was still there.

Finally, he got up and left without saying anything.

I also went out and started walking home.

I could feel someone following me behind and I turned around to see that nobody was there.

Suddenly my phone rang making me flinch, It was an unknown number.

However, I picked it up, "Hello?"

I could hear a chuckle coming from the other side, it was a man.

"Love, Why did you stop?" I started looking around desperately.

Why the hell is he calling me love? C'mon dude you're not Aaron Warner.

"Wrong number," I said and was about to hang the call.

"Nah uh, don't, Aren't you Natasha? My love?" My eyes widened.

"Who...who are you?" He chuckled again.

"Let's just say...unknown"

I hung up the call immediately and switched off my phone then after looking around for the last time I started running home.

Please I hope no one is following me.

My heart was pounding in my chest, I remembered the incident that happened two years ago, two traumatic experiences in the same year are horrifying.

I want to die, but at the same time, I don't want to.


तू जो, छू ले, प्यार से

आराम से मर जाऊँ

आजा, चंदा, बाहों में

तुझमें ही गुम हो जाऊँ

मैं, तेरे नाम में खो जाऊँ


मेरे दिन खुशी से झूमें, गायें रातें

पल-पल मुझे डुबाए जाते-जाते

तुझे जीत-जीत हारूँ

ये प्राण-प्राण वारूँ

हाय ऐसे मैं निहारूँ

तेरी आरती उतारूँ

तेरे नाम से जुड़े है सारे नाते



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